

Mobile App(Android)

Short Explanation

Introducing GoEnglish, your dedicated English learning companion. Say goodbye to language learning challenges with our comprehensive app. GoEnglish offers a variety of quizzes, including listening, reading, and speaking exercises, ensuring a well-rounded language learning experience. Track your progress with enhanced scoring and let our AI-powered analytics guide you to proficiency. Never miss a chance to improve your English skills – make GoEnglish your go-to language learning app!

Project Goals

This initiative strives to assist individuals in improving their English proficiency by providing an interactive language learning platform. Our project is designed as a supportive tool to facilitate gradual and steady progress in language acquisition.

Tech Stack Used

  • Kotlin : This app was made based entirely on kotlin programming language
  • Jetpack Compose : Jetpack Compose comes in handy on leveraging the user interface without the presence of XML
  • OpenAI API : This app used OpenAI API to make a personal analysis and suggetion based on user's score to help them find the perfect learning programming
  • Firebase : The questions for each topic is entirely kept in Firebase
  • Room : Room API comes in handy to make sure the user's activities are safe in their local device database.

App Demo and Screenshots
